Monday 1 September 2014


Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction. November 11,2013.  Anup Shaw


This source explains what is global warming and why it is causing climate changes, it shows the effects that they are producing in the world. It also explains how this is different from similar things that have happened in the past. It has different graphs about CO2 dangerous emissions in the world, it compares global temperature from the 1900's and today. It says where global warming is going, the impacts of global warming in our world and our lives, also extreme weather events on the world, and ecosystem impacts. Problems in agriculture, diseases are increasing and a lot of problems that are happening due to climate change. The countries that are being affected the most, greenhouse gas emissions that have been increasing dangerously. How warming is happening faster than predicted. I think this is useful because it explains global warming and climate change in a lot of aspects.

Climate change deniers.

This site talks about climate change deniers, they deny that global warming and climate changes and all the things that they are causing. In the past they just said that global warming wasn't real, that the global climate is actually getting colder and a lot of things not scientifically proved. Some of them say that it is happening but not because of human activities. But now after years of scientific research some of them say it is happening but the cost to fix it is too high, so their tactics are changing to convince people that it's not something real or it will be really hard to fix it or that we are not causing it. This is useful because it shows what people is saying about this topic and how without any scientific support they say it is fake.

Solitions Upper-intermediate Student's book. Tim Falla, Paul A Davies.Page 88 Opinion Essay.

It's an opnion essay that talks about how we can improve our lives without damaging the environment, it gives different arguments about how we can do this and some of them are useful for my essay.

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